Friday, July 8, 2011

Look Who's a Big Swimmer!

What better way to officially kick off summer break but with a few weeks of swimming lessons!  Harrison had the most fun and I was shocked at the how quickly he took to swimming...with no reliance on water wings/swimmies.  It was fun to watch the kids day by day get more confidence and by the end of the two weeks, Harrison had learned so much.  He had gone from being a fraidy cat who wouldn't take off his water wings to a fearless kid jumping off the diving board and swimming (underwater) the length of the pool.  He had learned -- obviously -- swimming basics, but had also learned how to tread water and the "bat strope" (backstroke). 

And on the last day, his class was even awarded certificates for such good work.  It worked perfectly that we left for our vacation to Sanibel the following day after swimming lessons were over, so Harrison had a full week to polish those swimming skills.  (And Mama didn't have to worry about him so much!)

Best Buds Logan and Harrison

Ready, Set, Go!

So proud!

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