Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bountiful Blessings Day 25

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Today, I'm grateful for Thanksgiving; the holiday itself and the exact meaning of the word.

Merriam-Webster defines "thanksgiving" as this: 
"A public acknowledgement or celebration of divine goodness." 
Love that!

Though today is Thanksgiving Day -- a day set aside specifically to reflect on our blessings -- as Christians we're called to give thanks for God's goodness every day

I can't help but think back to Thanksgiving 2009 and how different my little family was.  We were anxiously preparing the arrival of our sweet Brigdon.  I was 38 weeks pregnant and had a little turkey of my very own getting ready to greet the world.  I can remember spending that Thanksgiving weekend putting up Christmas decorations -- just my family of 3 -- and cleaning house like a mad-woman. 

And in perfect timing, our bundle of sweetness made his entrance into the world the following Monday at 11:45 p.m.  We'll be celebrating his first birthday next week and I am shocked at the pace this year has flown by!

Life is short - Take a few minutes today and tell God how grateful you are for His goodness.  Having a hard time finding an "attitude of gratitude"?  How bout the breaths you take?  Or the sun that greeted the day to warm the earth?  Or the clothes on your back? 

Take a moment to absorb the great gift that the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ is. 
AND the fact that a day is coming when there will be no more sickness and no more tears.  That's cause for deep gratitude.

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